

You can choose 15 ryttere from 4 different groups of which you think are going to win the most points in the the Gent - Wevelgem Game.

Example: When one of your riders becomes 2nd, he receives 100 points. When another rider of your team becomes 6th, you will receive another 60 points extra, etc. The details of the points can be found under the 'Points' header.


The ryttere are divided into groups and you can find them here below.

  • gruppe A: maksimum 4
  • gruppe B: maksimum 4
  • gruppe C: maksimum 4
  • gruppe D: minimum 3 og maksimum 15

The groups of the ryttere can be found through the link: ryttere

En spiller må gerne indsende flere forskellige hold. Der er kun 1 begrænsning: Forskellige hold sammensat af samme deltager skal være indbyrdes forskellige med mindst 3 ryttere*.

* Vores software advarer dig, hvis du overtræder denne regel!

With all unforseen circumstances, Zweeler Ltd. will make a decision.

